








發(fā)布:2024-05-07 瀏覽:0


The advantages of automated welding machinery


(1) High production efficiency. Submerged arc welding can use larger currents, with stronger arc penetration ability and greater weld penetration depth. Submerged arc welding has concentrated heat, fast welding speed, and production efficiency that is 5-10 times higher than manual arc welding.


(2) The welding quality is high and stable. Welding specifications can be automatically controlled and adjusted to maintain stability. The flux has a good protective effect, preventing air from damaging the molten pool metal. Combined with high current, the metal in the molten pool reacts fully with the slag, making its composition uniform. The submerged arc welding seam has high metal quality, stable performance, and aesthetically pleasing appearance.


(3) Save material and electricity consumption. The arc burns under the flux layer, reducing the loss of heat and consuming less electrical energy. In addition, when welding medium and thin plates, there is no need to make grooves, and the welding wire metal does not have splashing loss or welding rod head, so a large amount of welding metal materials can be saved.



(4) Improve working conditions and reduce labor intensity. Because the arc burns under the flux layer, the arc light cannot be seen during welding, and the welding smoke is also very small, so the working conditions have been greatly improved.


(5) Due to the invisible arc zone during submerged arc welding, strict requirements are placed on the processing of joints and the assembly of workpieces. Automatic submerged arc welding generally requires welding to be carried out in the flat welding position. For narrow position welds and thin plate welds, using submerged arc welding has certain difficulties.


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