








發(fā)布:2024-03-27 瀏覽:0


What are the preparations for OTC welding robots before welding? Before welding, we need to do a good job in robot welding programming, welding parameters for OTC welding robots, and arc programming for OTC welding robots. Next, let Weierdi editor provide a detailed introduction.


1、 OTC robot welding programming steps?


1. Power on/off operation. When starting up, first turn on the air switch, turn on the robot transformer switch, then turn on the welding power, and then turn on the power of the control cabinet; When cutting off power after completing welding work, it is necessary to first turn off the control cabinet electrical pipe, then turn off the power switch, cut off the transformer power, and then pull down the air switch. Start and stop the machine in order.


2. Most of the methods used in the market are offline teaching programming. After the welding robot control cabinet is powered on, welding programming data can be input and the teaching device can enter the operation page.



Before the welding operation begins, personnel need to stay away from the working range of the welding robot. Enterprises can install protective barriers to prevent personnel from entering by mistake.


4. The operator needs to hold a teaching pendant to provide certain protection. The teaching pendant can control the operation of the robot and monitor welding quality in real time. If necessary, the emergency stop button can be pressed to prevent welding errors from causing damage to the robot body


2、 Welding parameters of OTC welding robot?


Using lateral swing, circular arc, frequency law of 2.5, welding speed of 30-40CM/M, didn't you mention how thick the base material is for welding current


3、 Arc programming method for OTC welding robot?

1. 確定焊接軌跡:確定需要焊接的軌跡和形狀,包括起始點、終止點、過渡點和角度等。

1. Determine welding trajectory: Determine the trajectory and shape that needs to be welded, including starting and ending points, transition points, and angles.

2. 輸入程序:使用機器人控制器或離線編程軟件,輸入焊接軌跡的程序。程序應(yīng)包括機器人的運動、焊接參數(shù)和設(shè)備控制指令等。

2. Input program: Use a robot controller or offline programming software to input the welding trajectory program. The program should include the robot's motion, welding parameters, and equipment control instructions.

3. 調(diào)試程序:在沒有真實工件的情況下,使用仿真軟件對程序進行調(diào)試。檢查軌跡的完整性和正確性,以及機器人的性和穩(wěn)定性。

3. Debugging program: Use simulation software to debug the program without real workpieces. Check the integrity and correctness of the trajectory, as well as the safety and stability of the robot.

4. 焊接實驗:在實際工件上進行焊接實驗。根據(jù)實際情況對程序進行微調(diào)和優(yōu)化,以達到佳的焊接效果。

4. Welding experiment: Conduct welding experiments on actual workpieces. Fine tune and optimize the program according to the actual situation to achieve optimal welding results.

5. 保存程序:將經(jīng)過調(diào)試和優(yōu)化的程序保存,并備份到其他設(shè)備或云端存儲,以備后續(xù)使用。

5. Save program: Save the debugged and optimized program and backup it to other devices or cloud storage for future use.


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